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Replacement DBS Check




Replacement DBS Check for students


Detailed Description

A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Check is a U.K. criminal background check undertaken by students who are enrolled on a programme of study where placements or research projects involve working/ contact with children, vulnerable groups or both. Students will already be aware of the DBS requirements of their programme of study.  

A Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Check is a U.K. criminal background check undertaken by students who are enrolled on a programme of study where placements or research projects involve working/ contact with children, vulnerable groups or both. Students will already be aware of the DBS requirements of their programme of study.  

This Replacement DBS Check product is for those students only who need to pay to undertake a new DBS Check and who have been referred to this page by the MDX DBS & OH Unit to make the purchase. If you have not been referred to this product by the team, please do not proceed with making the purchase. 

If you have any DBS-related questions, please read the guidance on the DBS Checks webpage. Details of how to contact the MDX DBS & OH Unit can also be found there at:
